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高二英语M8 Unit 3 The world of colours and light测试题及答案

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标签:高二英语学习大全,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 高二英语M8 Unit 3 The world of colours and light测试题及答案,
  31.A.wondered B.discussed C.studied D.looked

  32.A.fall B.tree C.wind D.nest

  33.A.hate B.lose C.miss D.love

  34.A.picked up B.turned to C.got to D.reached for

  35.A.excitement B.regret C. sadness D.disappointment

  36.A.normal B.peace C.sorrow D.safety

  37.A.enjoyed B.played C.treated D.cared for

  38.A.doubted B.found C.believed D.feared

  39.A.right now B.right then C.from now on D.now and then

  40.A.gently B.loudly C.strongly D.firmly

  41.A.Nothing else B.Nobody else C.Nothing D.Something

  42.A.as usual B.as if C.even though D.though

  43.A.break B.rise C.show D.lift

  44.A.dead B.injured C.OK D.alive

  45.A.where B.what C.how D.when




  The Americans believe that anybody can become President of the United States. In a recent Hollywood comedy, that is exactly what happens.

  Dave Kovic, played by Kevin Kline, is a kind-hearted man who runs a business that finds people jobs. He leads a typical American way of life, except for one thing-he looks exactly like the President, Bill Mitchell. In fact, the only thing that makes him different from the nation’s leader is that he is very nice!

  The president has started using look-alikes during some public appearances. Dave is offered a chance to “serve his country” by becoming one. However, things go wrong. The President becomes very ill and Dave ends up acting as the President forever.

  Director Ivan Reitman, who made the popular and successful comedies like Twins, Ghostbusters and Legal Eagles, could have gone for easy laughs by making fun of the American government. Instead, Dave is an attractive comedy about an ordinary man in extraordinary situations. Kevin Kline gives a double performance as Dave and the President, and Sigourney Weaver is at her best as his First Lady. The love story that develops between her role and Dave is a real classic.

  The film is 100% American. However, if you’ve ever felt that anybody could do a better job running the country than the people in power, then you’ll enjoy Dave!

  46.What is the purpose of the text?

  A.To tell the reader about the American government.

  B.To discuss the Americans’ ideas about the President.

  C.To make a comparison between Dave and other films.

  D.To introduce a new film to the reader.

  47.Who plays the role of the President in the film?

  A.Sigourney Weaver. B.Kevin Kline.

  C.Bill Mitchell D.Ivan Reitman.

  48.The underlined word “one” in the 3rd paragraph refers to __________.

  A.the President B.the director C.an actor D.a look-alike

  49.Which of the following is best supported by the text?

  A.The author makes fun of the President.

  B.The author thinks highly of the film.

  C.The author is a fan of Hollywood comedies.

  D.The author wishes to become the American President.


  When dinning in restaurants, Americans usually order drinks first, then soup, salad, main course or entree(主菜), and dessert at last. This is somewhat a different order way from that in Europe.

  Until about the middle of the nineteenth century, Americans didn’t have to worry about whether the salad came before or after the main course since they didn’t eat salad at all. Chomping(大声地咀嚼) on greens was once considered sissy(女人气的), and Americans preferred to get their greens indirectly, after they had been processed by rabbits or deer. The shift of public taste toward the salad may be attributed to New York’s Delmonico brothers, who originally introduced smorgasbord from Europe, and served it in their restaurant. Such novelties(新奇的东西) became so popular that by the end of the nineteenth century, the Waldorf salad has swept the country.

  Europeans still chomp on greens after the main course, as a way of clearing the palate(味觉), and being ready for the cheese. Why Americans eat their salad first is uncertain. The following joking suggestions might make sense: The custom may be related to the slimming craze, for “salad first” may fill you up without any worry about fattening; to avoid customers’ impatience with waiting, the restaurant serves salad first to keep them busy while the main courses are being prepared; eating raw food while one is waiting for the cooked food may be a way of announcing that one is not wasting time, which is seen as a virtue; probably unfair to the restaurant, this custom has been encouraged by the merchant as trick-the meagerness(不足量) of a meal is less noticeable if it comes after “free” salad-after all, rabbit food is much cheaper than the rabbit.

  50.Before the middle of the nineteenth century, _________ .

  A. Americans ate the salad before the main course www.

  B. Americans ate the salad after the main course

  C. Americans ate the salad either before or after the main course

  D. Americans didn’t eat salad at all

  51.In the last sentence of the passage, “rabbit food” refers to_______ .

  A. the salad B. food made of rabbit meat

  C. junk food D. food prepared for the rabbit

  52.Which of the following statements is true?

  A. Salad first appeared in America, and then was introduce to Europe.

  B. The American tradition of eating salad before the main course was formed mainly due to health.

  C. In less than fifty years, salad became popular throughout the United States.

  D. Serving Salad before the entree by the restaurants is a way of cheating the diners.


  American’s genius with high technology may have put men on the moon, but there is growing doubt about its ability to solve human problems closer to home.

  In fact, a slight but significant change from purely technological solutions is already under way as scientists insist that answers to the world’s problems will not come from an attractive exhibition of electronics and machines. Instead, as they see it, solutions must develop from a better understanding of the humans that drive the system and from a fuller appreciation of the limits and potential(潜能) of the earth’s resources.

  What this means is an increased emphasis on the life and earth sciences, on sociology, psychology, economics and even philosophy.

  More and more of the best minds in science, particularly young researchers, are being drawn into these developing fields.

  All this is not to say that technological creativity will not play a critical role in solving energy and food shortages, or that answers to environmental difficulties will not come from further advances in the same technologies that may have helped cause the problems.

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