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六六教师之家 | 初一英语学习 | 人气:938

标签:初一英语学习大全,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 七年级英语上册Units1-4单元试题及答案(新冀教版),

  Ⅶ. 答案:1. this is 2. looks so pretty 3. What does; like

  4. had better not eat 5. wants to go; with

  Ⅷ. 答案:1~5. CGEAD

  Ⅸ. 【参考范文】

  I have a good friend. Her name is Jenny. She comes from Canada. She has long brown hair. Her eyes are big and blue. How tall is she? I don’t know. She likes to wear a white sweater and blue trousers. I know her favourite colour is blue. The hamburgers are her favourite food. She has hamburgers and eggs for breakfast. She is a good girl. I like her.

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