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六六教师之家 | 初中英语学习方法 | 人气:579

标签:初中英语学习方法大全,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 详解阅读题--从未来访,
A guy spots his doctor in the mall. He stops him and says, "Six weeks ago when I was in your office, you told me to go home, get into bed and stay there until you called. But you never called. "

  "I didn't?" the doctor says." Then what are you doing out of bed?"


  (1) spot v.(从很多人或物中)认出;看出

  (2) mall n.集市



  ① Where did the guy see his doctor?

  A. in the barber's

  B. in the shopping center

  C. at the railway station

  D. in the hospital

  ② How long had it been since the guy went to see the doctor?

  A. two weeks

  B. three weeks

  C. more than a month

  D. more than two months

  ③ What had the doctor told him to do?

  A. to stay in bed

  B. to have a nice sleep

  C. to go home

  D. to call him again

  ④ We can see from this passage that_____ .

  A. the doctor had played a trick on the guy

  B. the guy must have stayed in bed for a long time

  C. the guy was very angry with the doctor

  D. the doctor did call upon the guy

  ⑤ What had been the guy's problem?

  A. He had caught a cold.

  B. He had had a mental problem.

  C. He needed a good rest.

  D. He had been homesick.





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