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单元整体教案NSEFCII-U02(The third period)

六六教师之家 | 高二英语教案 | 人气:207

标签:高二英语选修7教案,高二英语下册教案,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 单元整体教案NSEFCII-U02(The third period),
                 3. Nine out of ten housewives interviewed about the product
            said they liked it.
             4. Three guns, stolen from the police station, were found in the
             5. I don't like to go to supermarkets crowded with shoppers.
             Ex. 4:1. The three injured students were sent to hospital.
                  2. Some used textbooks were given to the students in the
                  3. Tom can't go to school because of his broken leg
                  4. The ground is covered with fallen leaves.
                  5. Many returned Chinese students overseas made a great
            contribution to our country.
            T: Now, look at Exercise 5. Read the following news first. Then fill
            in the blanks with the correct form of the words in brackets. If you
            have any trouble in doing it, you can discuss you’re your partner. A
            few minutes later, I'll check your answers. You can begin now.
            Suggested answers:
            surprised, amazing, interested, boring, surprised, exciting,
            satisfied, interesting, disappointed
            (Ss may make some mistakes, so teacher should give some explanations
            after correcting the mistakes made by the students.)
            T: To do this exercise well, we should know how to use some words
            like interested/interesting, surprised / surprising correctly. To
            say how we feel about something, we can use the past participles
            interested, surprised, etc. To talk about the person or thing that
            makes us feel interested, surprised, etc. we use present
            participles. This kind of the past participles and the present
            participles is used like adjectives to refer to a state or a
            quality, not an action. For example, the story he told me is
            interesting, and I am interested in it. Can you understand?
            Ss: Yes.
            T: There are some other past participles like interested an
            surprising, you should remember.' They are excited, bored, worried,
            frightened, tired, astonished, delighted, satisfied, amazed,
            disappointed and so on. Most of them are used in the news of
            Exercise 5. You should read the news again after class to further
            study them. Do you remember?
            Ss: Yes.
            Step V Summary and Homework
            T: Now, let's look at what we've learned in this period. First,
            we've revised and learned some words. Then we've learned the Past
            Participle as Attribute and Predicative. Mainly, we did some
            exercises to master them. Besides, we've learned some useful
            phrases, such as nine out of ten, look up to, fall in love with.
            (Write them on the Bb.)After class, you should do more exercises to 
                 consolidate what we've learnt in this period. And don't forget
            to preview what we'll learn in the next period. Are you clear?
            Ss: Yes.
            T: Class is over. See you tomorrow!
            Ss : See you tomorrow !
            Step VI The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
                                  Unit 2  News media
                                   The Third Period
                          I .The Past Participle as Attribute and Predicative

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