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标签:七年级下册英语教案,七年级下英语教案,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 七年级英语上学期Unit5教案3,


    Period 3         Reading ( 2)
    Teaching Aims:
    1.To understand the text and language points deeply .  2.To  learn how to go shopping .
    1.Words:   A .minute,  cost , expensive , shopkeeper ,quite ,high ,match ,pretty, mind ,something
    B .discount ,cut ,unusual
    2.Phrases  :A.just a moment , over there , never mind , look for ,football cards ,take a look            B.go well in ,as much as 
    3.Sentence  structures:
    A. Can I help you?       What are you looking for ?
    How much does the cards cost ?How much are they  ?
    I don 't have enough money to buy her a CD then .
    I 'll buy them .
    B.That 's quite expensive .
    There 's a discount on last year 's cards .
    They match her favourite T_shirt !
    Teaching procedures:
    1.Make a dictation :  expensive , shopkeeper ,,match ,pretty. just a moment , over there , never mind ,football cards ,take a look  .go well in ,as much as  Can I help you    What are you looking for ?How much does the cards cost ?How much are they  ?
    I don 't have enough money to buy her a CD then .
    2.Ask two students to make a  conversation about going shopping .
    StepⅡ  Practice
    1. Do  Part  B 2.
    2.  Fill in the blanks with the corret  sentences  :
    Can I help you?  just a moment , I 'll buy them ,T hat 's quite expensive .
    How much do  they cost  ?I 'd like to buy a pair of shoes .
    Shopkeeper :Good morning .__________________?
    Tom : ________________________________.
    Shopkeeper :What size do you want  ?
    Tom : A size 4 .Do you have any black ones ?
    Shopkeeper :Yes .__________.There are some black shoes over there .
    Tom : They are nice . ________________?
    Shopkeeper :They are 280 yuan .
    Tom : Oh ,really ?_____________________.
    Shopkeeper :There 's a discount on last year 's shoes . They also match you well .
    Tom : OK. ___________________. 
    StepⅢ Practice
    1. Make the students do Part C .Check the answers .
    2. Explain the language points .
    StepIV  Practice
    1.Show some pictures with the prices .
    photo album ¥7       music box ¥50       CD ¥9
    pencil box ¥ 8       comic box ¥9       yo _yo ¥9 
    Do you know how much money Amy has ?Look at the pictures ,Which of these presents can Amy buy ?Can you tell me  ?
    2.Make the students do Ex .7.8
    StepV Practice
    Pair works .then ask some groups to come to the front to act  it out .
    StepVI  Homework 
    1 Review the words and  phrases .
    2Make a conversation about going shopping by one self
    3. Review Part A .
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