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变形金刚一 经典台词

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标签:动漫经典台词,韩剧经典台词,春晚经典台词,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 变形金刚一 经典台词,

am \'Spike\' Witwicky: It\'s a robot. You know, like a super advanced robot. It\'s probably Japanese.

Ironhide: A rodent has been detected in the vacinity. Shall I destroy it?
Sam \'Spike\' Witwicky: No! No! This is a chihuahua. We love chihuahuas.
Ironhide: He\'s leaked lubricant on me.
Sam \'Spike\' Witwicky: He did? Bad Mojo! Bad!
Ironhide: Hugghh... This is gonna rust...
萨姆·威特维奇:不!不!,那是一只吉娃娃,我们都 喜欢 吉娃娃狗。

Agent Simmons: She\'s a criminal. And criminals are HOT!

Sam \'Spike\' Witwicky: [standing at the edge, on top of a tall building while hugging a white statue] No... oh my God, no, no!
Megatron: Give me the Allspark and you may live to be my pet.
Sam \'Spike\' Witwicky: [almost slipping off the building] Oh, oh, no, no, no, no...
[Helicopters were flying pass him]
Sam \'Spike\' Witwicky: I\'m never giving you this Allspark!
Megatron: Oh... so unwise.
[growl and hit the rooftop with his mace]
萨姆·威特维奇:我 永远 都不会给你"火种源"。

Bobby Bolivia: A driver don\'t pick the cars. Mmm-mm. Cars pick the driver.

Optimus Prime: Before time began, there was... the cube. We know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them... with life. That is how our race was born. For a time we had lived in harmony, but like all great power, some wanted it for good... others, evil. And so, began the war. A war that ravages our planet until it was consumed by death. And the cube was lost to the far reaches of space. We step in across the galaxy hoping to find it and rebuild our home. Searching every star. Every world. And just when all hopes seem lost; message of a new discovery took us to an unknown planet called... Earth. But we were already too late.
擎天柱:在时代的开始之前,这里有一个立方体。我们不知道它从哪里来,只知道它拥有创造世界、并用 生命 填充这个世界的力量。这也是我们种族存在的原因。一度,我们曾经 生活 得很融洽,但是与所有伟大的力量一样,一些人开始追求美好……另一些人,却走向了邪恶。因此,就有了战争。战争在我们的星球横行,直到彻底毁灭了这个世界。这个立方体也在宇宙空间里消失不见了。我们踏遍了整个银河系,希望可以找到立方体,重建我们的家园。我们在每一个星球、每一个世界辛苦地寻找,就在所有的希望都开始变得渺茫时,一个新的发现把我们引来这个未知的星球……你们叫它地球。但是,我们似乎来得太晚了。

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