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标签:经典励志名言,英文励志名言,青春励志名言,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 自然科学,

    Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you get rid of him on the weekends.
    给他一条鱼,你可以喂他一天;教他钓鱼,他周末就不会再来缠你了。&&Gary Apple    True science teaches, above all, to doubt and be ignorant.
    真正的科学首先教人怀疑和知道自己无知。&&Miguel de Unamuno

    Truth has no special time of it’s own. Its hour is now always.
    真理没有自己特定的段。它的永远是现在。&&A.Schweitzer     Growing old is not upsetting; being perceived as old is.
    越来越老并不可怕,可怕的是让人觉得越来越老。&&Kenny Rogers

    Without libraries what have we? We have no past and no future.
    如果没有了图书馆,我们还有什么呢?我们没有了过去也没有了未来。&&Kay Bradbury     Scientific knowledge aims at being wholly impersonal.
    科学知识要求完全不受个人的影响。&&Bertrand Russell

    Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
    生活中没有可怕的东西,只有应去了解的东西。&&Marie Curie     Truth is beautiful. Withoutdoubt; and so are lies.


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