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标签:节日习俗,节日表,传统节日,节日习俗作文,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 母亲节作文《母亲节的礼物》,

Mother's Day gift
In a sunny morning, my mother got up very early, while her mother wash clothes, sweep the floor while sweating ...... so tired, I see my mother so tired, strange sad and said: "Mom, you break Break it! "I helped my mother to a chair, to the mother Chuibei, my mother's tired face disappeared, started kind smile, she said:" Thank you, my sonny ......"
 Then I started to help mothers work, and I was a half hour of this dry, clean around the house was clean and spotless.
 "Who made the grass-inch heart reported in the apartments."  Do children like roadside flower, mothers like a gardener, she is our planting, watering, fertilization, but how we can not return to our mother's love.  (Fuyang City Experimental Primary School 2 (3) class    Sun Kang)


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