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标签:节日习俗,节日表,传统节日,节日习俗作文,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 什么样的教师节礼物老师最喜欢?,

今年在周一的升旗仪式上,学校送给我们每位老师一朵花。回到教室我就给我教的班的学生说,学校已经送给我们花儿了,同学们谁也不用送给我们花、贺卡等花钱买的东西,请同学们按照课本上的要求做一张卡片,卡片一面可以画上老师的肖像,另一面用英语描述你最喜欢的老师的形象、性格特点及课堂。举例说:She/He has long/short black/brown hair.She/He has big/small eyes and big/small ears.She/He has a big/small nose/mouth. She/He is tall/short/young/old/active/quiet/kind….要求,你最喜欢哪位老师,你就可以写哪位老师,教师节那天送给那位老师。
一、 You have short hair.you are not tall and not short.You have two big eyes and a big mouth. You are very kind.,friendly to us.You work hard.You teach us a lot both in and after class. How Happy and lucky we have an English teacher like you.
二、 I have a king English teacher.She’s quiet and smart.She has big eyes and small ears.She’s tall. She’s strict,but she’s very kind.She’s a university student. Her English class is so much fun.Happy Teachers’ Day!
三、 My English teacher is a super teacher. She is tall and strong.She is very active. I want to say :Happy Teachers’ Day!
四、 My English teacher:
Today is teachers’ Day! You are strict.But you are kind to me. You are short and strong. You are very smart. I like your class. Your class is so much fun.Happy Teachers’ Day! I like you.
                      Your student: zhao

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