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六六教师之家 | 暑假作文 | 人气:135

标签:初中暑假作文,初中暑假作文600字,暑假作文300字,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 关于暑假英语作文,
My Summer Vacation
This is my summer vacation。 I intend to finish the operation。 Then, take a look at China's famous novel。 Look at some day。 Of course, also want to play with the computer, watch TV。 Early every morning to get up and running to run, do other sports。 But it is conducive to our body! But one thing should not be forgotten。 must help parents do the housework! My holiday arrangements like? something good? give suggestions? 相关暑假作文 ·暑假趣事作文4篇 ·开心暑假作文 ·暑假的作文-不一样的暑假 ·暑假的最后一天 ·高中生暑假作文2篇 ·暑假复习计划作文 ·介绍暑假的英语作文 ·暑假英语小作文 ·暑假计划作文_一个有意义的暑假
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