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高一英语Developing&developed countries教案

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Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries- writing学案
Learning Goals:
1.Improve the students’ writing abilities.  
2.Make sure the student can write a much better paper with use the useful words and phrases
1. 对比类文章开头应该开门见山地指出被比较的对象。文章条理性很强,层次分明,语言简洁,用词准确。
2. 在写作中运用好简单句是必要的,但也要尝试使用复杂句。因为复杂句的运用会使句子变得简洁明了、干净利落。常用时态:一般过去时、一般现在时、现在完成式。
3. 在行文中,要注意连接词的过度词的运用,这样会使文章看起来紧凑、连贯、逻辑性强。常用的连接词和过渡词如but, what’s more, as a result 等
4. 对比类写作一般有两种模式:
根据下列提示,请以twin towns 为题写一片字数为120-150的短文
1. 我国的广州市与澳大利亚的悉尼市于1986年5月缔结为好城市。从那是起,两城市每年都有很多方面的交流。
2. 他们都是国际著名的商贸中心及港口城市;斗殴属于亚热带气候,冬暖夏凉,植物四季常青,因此,旅游业十分发达;
3. 悉尼位于赤道以南,因此两城市的季节正好相反;
4. 广州市约有725.19万人口,占地面积是7434平方千米;悉尼约有400万人口。占地面积是120xx万平方千米。
 参考词汇 开花 bloom;亚热带气候 subtropical climate;   赤道equator
                Twin Towns
      The city of Guangzhou and Sydney of Australia became twin towns in may, 1986. There have been exchanges in many ways ever since
Both cities share something in common. Both are the world’s famous trading centres as well as busy port cities and belong to the subtropical climate. It is cool in summer and warm in winter with an ever-green scenery and flowers blooming all the year round. So tourism is important to both of them. Every year they attract millions of tourists from both at home and abroad.
However, Sydney lies to the south of the equator, so the season is just opposite to Guangzhou. When it’s summer in Guangzhou, it’s winter in Sydney. Guangzhou has an area of 7434 square kilometers while Sydney covers an area of 120xx square kilometers. It has a large population of 7251900 in Guangzhou, compared with a population of 4 million in Sydney, where it’s less crowded.
1. 总体评价:本文作者能很好的把握写对比类文章的技巧。叙述的有条理,符合写作要求。另外,作者在写作中使用了一些较高级的词汇和发杂句型,体现了较强的语言功底。
2. 亮点或采分点:
① 使用了一些较高级词汇,如:exchanges; tourism;attract等
② 使用了常见的短语及句型结构,如:in common;      as well as; belong to 等
③ 使用了定语从句等句型结构。(同学们应该学会使用分词短语﹑with复合结构 ﹑﹑ 强调句型﹑ 感叹句 ﹑倒装句和it作形式主语等复杂句型来提高书面表达的得分档次)
 十年前 现在
价格 昂贵 便宜
家 庭
拥有量 40% 98%
节目 内容少,趣味性低 节目多,吸引人
优缺点 画面和声音质量差 技术进步,看电视成了一种享受
对人们生活的影响 人与人之间交流多,业余时间主要用于读书和学习 大量的时间都被浪费在看电视上,人与人之间的交流越来越少,没有时间读书

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