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Unit 15 Healthy eating Lesson 57 教学设计方案

六六教师之家 | 高一英语教案 | 人气:487

标签:高一英语必修2教案,高一英语下学期教案,高中英语教案,http://www.jiaoshi66.com Unit 15 Healthy eating Lesson 57 教学设计方案,

Lesson 57 教学设计方案

Step I Lead in

1.Revise illnesses ( headache, backache, toothache, cough, cold, etc)

2.The T will ask the questions to the Ss.

  1)  If yon are sick or don’t feel well,where do you have to go?

  2)What does a doctor do when you go to see him?

Step II Watch and Answer

  l)What’s wrong with Sharon?

  2)What did she eat the day before yesterday and what did the doctor advise her not to do?

Key: 1) She has got a pain and couldn't sleep last night. 2) She had a green peach and the doctor advised her not to eat fruit that is not ripe in future.

Step III Listen and Answer

Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Then let the Ss answer the questions.

  1) Why do you think the doctor asked Sharon what she had yesterday?

  2) Was it serious? How do you know?

  3)Did the doctor give Sharon any medicine? What did the doctor ask Sharon to do with the medicine?

Step IV Language points

Go through the dialogue with the Ss and make sure the Ss understand it. Explain any difficult language points.

1.Ouch!: a cry of pain

2.Here? Here?: The doctor is touching Sharon in different places.

3. three times a day= three times every day

4. I advise you not to eat….

5. in future: you can also say in the future.

Step V Practice

Read the answers and then write out the questions.

1.A: What_____________________________________?

B: I’ve got a pain in my back. I can’t turn over while in bed.

2. A: _________________________________________?

 B: The doctor told me to take some medicine and have a rest.

3. A: ______________________________________________?

 B: I had a sandwich, some salad and a glass of orange for lunch.

4. A: ______________________________________________?

 B: No, it’s nothing serious. But you need a rest for several days.

5. A: ______________________________________________?

 B: Take 2 of the red pills and 4 of the white pills each times. And I advise you not to drink water that isn’t boiled any more.

Step VI Discussion

  The T give the Ss a topic to practise and divide them into four groups, After a few minutes, ask two students to play it in front of the class.

  Someone has got a stomachache and does not feel like eating. The cause is that he likes eating cold food. The doctor gives him some medicine and tells him not to eat food that is cold.

Step VII Homework   

  Finish the Workbook exercises 1& 2 on page 29.

  Preparation the next Lesson 58.

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