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初三英语Unit 17 Lesson 68说课稿

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标签:初三英语说课稿,初中英语说课稿,牛津初中英语说课稿,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 初三英语Unit 17 Lesson 68说课稿,

Lesson 68是第十七单元的第四课时,是一节复习课。Unit
17主要围绕着寻找“丢失的项链”这一话题展开,通过学习定语从句,培养学生运用所学语言描述人和物的特征。Lesson 68
(一) 知识目标:
2、学习掌握单词conversation, robbery, description.
(二) 能力目标:培养学生运用所学语言描述人物外貌特征的能力。
(三) 技能目标:能根据线索写出案情报告及通缉令。
(四) 教学重点:用于描述人物特征的定语从句。
(五) 教学难点:学会分析并对现有的信息进行处理,产生正确的判断,并写出案情报告。
Main task: The students are able to describe the characteristic of a
Step one: Warming-up
“Guessing game” 展示一幅图画。让学生通过猜测“Is the man who
Step two: Pre-task
“To be a
Step three: While-task
“Who’s the robber?” 进行一个听力练习(SB Lesson 68 Part
“Write a report”假设你是警察,根据上面听到的这段描述,完成一份案情报告(SB Lesson 68 Part
Step four: Post-task
先让学生完成一个警察与受害人之间的对话(Workbook, Ex 2)
在此基础上进行“Dialogue making”。
Step five: Homework
Teaching Process:
Step One Warming-up
1. Play a guessing game to review the Attributive Clause. Looking at
the picture, Teacher asks “Can you guess who is Mr. Smith?” Students
may answer like this: “Is he the man who is fishing?”
2. Show another picture of a bus. Tell them “One night, there are
some passengers on the bus, some are sitting and sleeping, some are
standing and looking out of the window. Please look carefully, try
to remember what they’re wearing.” Suddenly the light on the bus is
out. It ‘s dark. And something has happened. Now look at the picture 
carefully, can you find out whose things have been stolen? Who is
the victim? (Explain the word) And who ito discuss with the partners. Check the
Step Two Presentation
Teacher says: “Last Thursday there was a robbery. Miss Brown is the
victim. She was robbed by a man. Now the police have found four
suspects. Would you please listen tothetape carefully and find out
who is the robber?” Play the tape, check the answer.
Since the police have caught the robber, they should write a police
report about the robbery. Please help the police finish the report.
(Students’ book Part 5) Check the answers and read it.
Step Three Practice
1. Ask the students to finish a dialogue between a policeman and a
victim and read it out.
2. Give the students some information about another robbery, ask
them to make a new dialogue just like the above one. And act it out.
3. Suppose you are the police, and you want to catch the robber with
the help of the public. You need to write a WANTED. Let them work in
pairs and write a WANTED, they can either use the information of the
above one, or just use their own opinions. Shoe some of the work to
Step Four Homework
Finish the exercises in the workbook. Try to find an interesting
detective story and share it with the classmatess the thief?”
Give them several minutes

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