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Teaching Plan for Unit 11

六六教师之家 | 高一英语教案 | 人气:704

标签:高一英语必修2教案,高一英语下学期教案,高中英语教案,http://www.jiaoshi66.com Teaching Plan for Unit 11,

Unit 1   Good Friends

I.                   Learning Aim

1.     Learn how to talk about friends and friendship.

2.     Learn to discuss problems occurring in a friendship and suggest solutions.

II.                Moral Education 

From the learning, students can understand gradually that the meaning of  “friends”.

III.             Teaching Direction

1.     key vocabularies and phrases.

 honest  brave  wise  handsome  smart  deserted  in order to  share

2.     useful expressions

I think I can       ,       , and       .

I think he/she is        ,       , and       .

3.     study strategies and thought techniques

(1)   Guessing

(2)   Discussion

4.     the goals of quality education

(1)    Help to improve the students’ capacities of communication.

(2)    Help to improve the students’ abilities of reading.

5.     teaching activities

1)     teacher’s  role

Teaching Plan for Unit 11由www.jiaoshi66.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.jiaoshi66.com
www.jiaoshi66.com Teacher’s role is just the students’ learning guide and his take is to create real circumstance to let the students talk an active part in.

Teacher’s role is a friend of students’. He appreciates and evaluates the students’ performances actively and positively.

2) students’  roles

Students act as explorers to learn by themselves independently.

Students’ cooperate with their partners in groups during their study.

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