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高二英语第十单元At the Tailor\s Shop (在裁店缝)

六六教师之家 | 高二英语教案 | 人气:411

标签:高二英语选修7教案,高二英语下册教案,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 高二英语第十单元At the Tailor\s Shop (在裁店缝),
18 . A . joke B . arguing C . problem D . communicating
19 . A . sad B . afraid C . angry D . astonished
20 . A . sent B . brought C . finding D . dug
〖答案〗 1 . B 2 . A 3 . C 4 . D 5 . A 6 . C 7 . B 8 . D 9 . B 10 . C 11 . A 12 . D 13 . A 14 . B 15 . D 16 . C 17 . D 18 . A 19 . C 20 . B
〖释疑〗1. 从下一句 his favourite game was running 可以确定应选 sports 。2. 在运动回上自然是获得奖章,故选 medals 。3. 从上下文可以知道他不是生长在和平的年代(He was told to join the army .),故选war 。4. 保家卫国就会被派往前线,所以选D。5. 从very brave 和 hardly 可以知道他英勇无畏,选A。6. 在战场受伤只能是战友们伸出友爱的手把他送到战地医院,故只能选 C。7. 受重伤已经脱离在战场的险境,面临的就是抢救他的性命,rescue 是营救,save 是抢救生命,所以选 B。8. 动手术符合语境。9. 康复出院后应是被雇佣,所以选B。10. 由于前面的伏笔中有背部子弹未取出,现在疼痛是在所难免的,所以选C。11. 既然建议他当地医院无能为力,爱莫能助,只有医生说出此言。12. 从 in the capital 暗示出只有条件好的大医院才能取出他背部的子弹。并不是医院旧或离当地近就能如原以尝。13. 从started(出发)知他接受了(accepted)建议,不只是接到(received)建议。14. 下文 planes 的提示说明朋友在机场送行。15. 根据常识在入境出接受海关检查,只有 entrance 符合此意。16. 对人有危险的器物恐怕金属类的比较现实,故选 metal。17. 幽默在于 Mr Hand 并没有什么恶意,自己身上的子弹只有用手术刀才能解决问题。可对方却产生理解上的偏差,故用listen to sb 表达服从之意。18. 从检查人员的大声喊叫(called out)中可以感受到请Mr Hand 不要开玩笑而妨碍公事。19. Mr Hand 一看对方脸色和反应不对劲,知道自己的话引起了误会,故笑容满面(with a smile)地向怒气冲冲的警察们解释说明。故选C。20. have sth + done 是让……被。bring out 取出。dig out 不符合实际。
世界名人系列 NMET阅读理解 (2)
Abraham Lincoln
When Abraham Lincoln took office in March of 1861 , James Buchanan said to him, \"If you are as happy on entering the White House as I\'m leaving it , you are the happiest man in this country . \" Difficult times lay ahead for Lincoln , and both men knew it . Seven Southern States had already left the Union , four more states would soon follow them . The start of the Civil War was only weeks away . Many people doubted (怀疑) Lincoln\'s ability to pull the Union together . He was just a country lawyer . He had only a few years of schooling , and he had served one term in Congress (国会) . His only real fame came from a series of debates (辩论) over slavery . Lincoln\'s firm s

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