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八年级英语Families Celebrate Together教案

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标签:八年级上册英语教案,人教八年级英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 八年级英语Families Celebrate Together教案,

Unit 3 Families Celebrate Together
Lesson 17 I Love Autumn
Teaching Content
1.the words and expressions that must be grasped
moon, celebrate, grandmother, grandfather, wonder
2. The words that you can only know
Mid-Autumn Festival, moon cake, national, National Day, celebration, Thanksgiving, Canadian, Thank you for, in early/late November
Teaching Aims
1.Learn to make plan about your study and your birthday.
2.Know about the differences between China and the Western countries.
Teaching Important Points
1.Learn to write e-mails.
2.Talk about your plan and what you will do.
3.Teaching Difficult Points: Simple Future Tense
Lesson Preparation:
The objects of Mid-Autumn Festival
Lesson Aids
Audiotape, recorder, sliders,flashcards, pictures
Type of lesson: New lesson
Teaching procedure
Step1.Introduce the unit topic: Families get together to celebrate. When there is a big festival in China, the family members always get together to celebrate. Then what’s the festival in October in China? What festival do you know except Mid-Autumn Festival? Help the students to respond in an appropriate way.
Step2. Remind the students that in the previous book Li Ming and his family celebrated the Chinese New Year in China and Jenny and her family celebrated Christmas in Canada.
Step3. What do you know about the Western festivals? What festival is coming soon in Canada? If someone knows what it is, ask him to describe it.
Step4. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”
Step5. Listen to the tape about Part1 and answer the following questions:
1.How many festivals are there in October in China?
2.What will Li Ming’s family do on the on the night of Mid-Autumn Festival?
3.What did Li Ming’s mother buy?
4.When is National Day?
5.What will Li Ming’s mother and father do during National Day?
6.Why does Li Ming like autumn best?
Step6. Read Part1 again and answer the questions above. Help the students respond in an appropriate way.
Step7. Ask some volunteers to come to the front and say what they often do on Mid-Autumn Festival? What will they do this year? Did they have any plans? If National Day is not familiar to them, you can help them to remind and make a plan.
Step8. Listen to the tape of Part2 and then retell the story in third person. Pay attention to the important points.
1.Why does Jenny like autumn, too?
2.What’s the name of the festival?
3.What will they do on Thanksgiving?
4.Did you notice the differences between Canada and the U.S for Thanksgiving?
Step9. Read Part2 again and find the answers of the questions above. If some students can’t understand correctly, you can explain it patiently.
Step10.Come to “LET’S DO IT.” Let the students do it carefully. At the same time, the teacher can walk around and solve some problems during the discussing process.
Step11. Finish off the activity book. Let them know more about Thanksgiving.
Use some objects to help students remind the festivals. The questions the teacher asks must be interesting and the teacher can change the styles in order to keep the students’ 注意力。

Lesson 18 Get Ready for Turkey

Teaching Content
The words must be grasped: huge, delicious, pie, dinner, be, away from home
The words that can only be known: turkey, dessert
Teaching Aims
1.Express one’s feeling in the communication
2.Learn to make a family tree.
Teaching Important Points
1. The students can catch the main ideas through listening to the text.
2. The students can suppose what their festival will be like.
Teaching Difficult Points
1. The use of Simple Present Tense;
2. How to make a family tree
Teaching Prepared
flashcards, photos of your family
Teaching Aids
Audiotape, flashcards, photos
Type of Lesson
New lesson
Teaching Procedure
Step1.Remind the students the last lesson: the important festivals in China and Western countries.
Show the students pictures to the class.
Step2.Organize activities about what they will do during Thanksgiving. Can they suppose the situation? The teacher can give them some tips if it is necessary. Don’t forget to ask them: “Do you still remember when Thanksgiving is?
Step3.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:
How long is it before Thanksgiving?
Who bought a turkey?
Who will come to Thanksgiving dinner?
Step4.Read the text and check the answers you got just now. Let them read the text again and then read in roles. After practice a while, the teacher can give volunteers chances to act the dialogue out in front of the class.
Step5. Practice the Simple Present Tense. First, make sentences use the correct tense. Pay attention to the time attributive clause. Then let the students make sentences one by one until they can use the tense correctly.

八年级英语Families Celebrate Together教案由www.jiaoshi66.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.jiaoshi66.com
www.jiaoshi66.com Step6. Come to “PROJECT”.
Take out a photo of your family and show it to the class. Then draw your own family tree on the blackboard. Then let the students take out of their own family photos and show them to the classmates. Now they can draw their family tree on their exercise book and let the desk mates to check the answers.
Divide the class into several groups and look at the photos. Then draw other family photos in change. Thus gives them more chance to practice.
Step7 Finish the activity book. If they have difficulties with the exercises, you can explain more carefully.
Before the lesson, the teacher can repair own family tree and show it to the class.
Use some pictures of Thanksgiving to lead the subject of the class.

Lesson 19 Get a present for Li Ming

Teaching Content
Mastery words: present, clothing. Excited, blow, blow out, size, as , try, try on, fit, another, bright
Known words: anyway, kind, style, the same size as
Teaching Aims
1.Learn how to go shopping;
2.Grasp the dialogue;
3.The foreigners respect their guests and think the birthday is important.
Teaching Important Points
1.How does the clerk greet people?
2.You must know about the knowledge of choosing fit clothes. If the clerk provides you with different sizes and styles, what should you do?
Teaching Difficult Points
Grasp the knowledge of choosing clothes from different sizes and styles.
Teaching Prepared
Different jackets
Teaching Aids
Audiotape, flashcards , objects
Type of Lesson
New lesson
Teaching Procedure
Step1. Show some students’ photos to the class. Of course, there are some families are having a birthday party. Because having a birthday party is very popular in China now.

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